Get moving,
do your next step. Nothing is going to change until
you DO something about it!
Lectures |
Revised 8 May 2002
Good Morning:
It has been brought to my attention
that much of the research that I and others have been involved in has
use in other channels, mainly those dealing with Spiritual Counseling
and Clearing Technologies.
I have opened a Church in Los
Angeles, and have plans under way to open others in other countries. (Since
the time of this post, there have been churches opened in ten countries.)
The Free Zone has become fragmented.
This was due to a large degree by the organized attacks on individuals
and groups by the CO$ in an attempt to squash them. Ironically, they were
being attacked for practicing standard Scn.. Seems like there is a little
line in the Justice PL's about "pronouncing scio guilty of practicing
standard Scio.."
Our natural tendency is to
seek those other beings out with like minds, to continue as best we can
whatever of the path that we perceived and wanted. That is all anyone
wanted. They wanted to be able to train, audit and co-audit in peace.
That's all. Simple spiritual freedom. And of course the Organized church
came down on these people hard, for two fold reasons. One, it was direct
competition. Why would anyone in their right mind pay $1000 an hour for
auditing if someone else could deliver the same product for $100 or even
$400 an hour? The second reason of course, is because the organized SP's
did not want anyone going Advanced Being at all, and not even clear if
it could be prevented.
And of course it all runs back
to 4th Dynamic meddling, keeping the prisoners in, and make sure they
never find out they are any more than a meat body. Increase the pollution,
make the traffic and living conditions restimulative, buy up any patents
on anything that threatens big money, and bury it unconditionally. And
of course that included Scio. and other Rons works. Trademarks every word
and description, sue anyone for any use or reference to it, milk it for
every dime you can get, and make sure it has a bad name world wide, just
before you pull out with all of the cash and reserves, and let it crash
Well, this is pretty much exactly
what happened to the CO$. They gave Scn. a bad name, they made the beingness
of a scio a travesty, a joke, an object of ridicule. And worst of all,
they cut any com lines from the "innies" to the "outies". They declared
or ran off in one form or another anyone trained by Ron, any Advanced
Being, or in general, anyone that protested in any way. And today, they
declare indiscriminately, without even the benefit of a com ev. Not even
a kangaroo one just for face's sake.
Then they set out on a cold
blooded mission to eradicate any groups of protestant scios or Advanced
Being's who were trying to carry the ball as best they could. Of course
they did not succeed, they just splintered them even further. Nothing
they could have done would have ensured the continuation of Scio more
than that. It was the equalivent of trying to as-is a rock with a stick
of dynamite. They just further alter-ised it, made it persist, and additionally
pissed of the thetans involved.
And of course the CO$ started
pulling in world wide attacks, flaps on every front, and even dumped battlefield
earth on the big screen for millions to villify and scorn. And then they
started lying, kept on lying, and are still lying. The biggest lie of
all is the big Scn. sign on all of the buildings. Most of the real ones
had all left by the early 80's, and the robots they are turning out now
have no idea of what standard Scio. even is. I have gotten recent flag
trained and audited people on my lines that can't setup or read a meter,
or even fly ruds properly!
It would almost be sad if it
was not so funny. It is just to incredible to even be taken seriously.
And the worst part is, the poor suckers think they are doing it right!
You would be surprised at the amount of "flag doesn't do it that way",
"oh we could never do that at flag", etc., I get out of pc's in session.
And they are really really surprised that they feel good, that stuff got
handled they have been trying for years to handle, and that 20-30 division
of TA an hour is no big deal at all, just routine auditing.
And a few hours of cramming
and drilling properly takes a "class5" auditor from getting about a division
an hour on a grade 0 pc to 22 an hour in a couple of days! Like I said,
it would be sad if it was not so funny. The funniest thing, is that they
have actually read all the correct hcob's and hcopl's to be producing
results. But they have all this false data entered in, and "now I am supposed
to's" that effectively end the processing. Sad, so close and yet so far.
One auditor on some intensive cramming had a giant win and huge cog: "Oh..
I see.. TRs are supposed to be natural, and you just help the pc.." Just
too incredible to be believed.
So the old church is gone, only
the signs are left. And they even are altering the books and tapes subtly,
so they are not even really a good bookstore any more.
And by no means am I holding
myself up as a flubless auditor. I make mistakes, and I correct them and
carry on. I personally audited around 500 hours in the last 9 months.
I have a stack of pc folders taller than me, and a wall full of wins,
success stories, and standard ravings "beyond wildest dreams, etc." From
plain old , everyday garden variety auditing with good TRs and an intention
to help the pc.
What is a scio? Well it is pretty
simple really. It is that thing that you were proud to be once. It is
when you were on course and happy, and no one wanted to leave, and hung
around coffee shops. It was when your friends were all winning, you were
discovering life and livingness, and everything was going right. It was
when you bought Dianetics, and new slant on life, and way to happiness,
and just gave them away to people.
Per the Tech dictionary: 1.
one who betters the conditions of himself and the conditions of others
by using Scn technology. 3. one who understands life. His technical skill
is devoted to the resolution of the problems of life. 4. A specialist
in spiritual and human affairs.
So in my book anyone who is
even using the smallest of the principles of Scio. in bettering conditions
is a scio. Squirrel, splinter, or no. And for me, those three sentences
above describe me perfectly.
I am a specialist. I know my
stuff, I know it is correct, and I know how to apply it to better conditions.
And boy, do I ever understand life. There is no situation that can come
up that I do not know how to handle, there is always a way to change things
to a more optimum condition.
I signed a billion year contract
long ago. I figure that has quite a while to run still. And if the old
man comes back, I don't really want to be caught sitting on my butt with
my finger in my mouth because I didn't know what to do. More than that,
I am miserable indeed only playing wog games fooling around with mest,
care and feeding of the body, and craving for humanoid agreement. I am
only truly happy when I am auditing or training others. I am only happy
when I have a worthwhile purpose and am making progress towards it.
For me, helping others is the
only truly worthwhile purpose there is. Cleaning up the planet, contributing
along the dynamics, it is all the same ball of wax. The best thing I can
do for me is the smallest thing I can do for you.
If Ron does not come back, that
is ok too. Thank you sir, thanks for the wins and the tools, I wish him
nothing but fair roads and good weather. He left me a plenty good set
of tools for getting out of the soup, and I am going to use them the best
I can. It is up to us all to do what we see fit. Freedom cannot be monopolized,
legislated, or destroyed. We have to lay down and quit on our own determinism,
or keep going by the same precept.
I see a lot of folks vilifying
and scorning Ron and the work he did. I have not seen anyone even remotely
contributing any thing near as effective, broadly reaching and workable.
Even the suppressive crowd is hanging on to every word, just to find some
new perceived or actual fault. Lol. Total effect, regardless of the posturings
and denials. Even the denial is admission of effect. And of course a few
have to take the principles and alter them a bit so they can claim source.
More power to them. As long as they are helping folks, I don't care if
they say it came from a revelation on an acid trip.
Of course there are a few beings
who have contributed in the area. Some are even major contributions. I
see this as a normal operation. Ron even said, "for gods sake get busy
and build a better road." I see bright handlings showing up all over the
place. I see an extra passing lane here, a shored up pillar there, and
fresh new patch on the path appearing now an then. And of course this
is flying totally in the sps face who wants to tear it all down and sink
everyone back in the mud. Of course it is hard to the state of Operating
Immortal. Just look at the amount of effort you have to expend. That is
how much counter intention is against you. No one said it was easy. And
no one who has really crossed it will tell you it is not worthwhile. The
folks trying to distract you are doing just that. Pay them no mind. They
are only effective at restimulation in the first place.
So that is what a scio is. It
is me, and you, and even the fellow over there with his head in the sand
wishing he had the courage to do something.
Go get a pc. Give an assist.
Give a locational to a drunk. Handle an arcx for someone. Ask what solutions
have you had for that problem to the troubled. Go read your poetry at
an old folks home. Give a karate demonstration for the kids. Do something.
Be effective. Charge up your meter, fly someone's ruds. Read a book, listen
to a tape, increase your understanding and ability. Don't lay down. We
all are counting on you, I am counting on you most of all. I need you
to be free so I can be free.
And don't forget our brothers
and sisters in the old church. Most of them are good people, they have
only been duped is all, and forbidden to look under fear of excommunication
and declare. They don't know that the first one is the worst.:) Most of
them are trying to make the tech work, even with all the mu's and false
data they have. Don't be too hard on them. They don't really understand
And last but not least, grant
some beingness to each other. It is ok to be right, it is ok to be wrong.
Nothing wrong at all with fighting either. But let us not forget who the
true enemies are, and not waste time on wrong targets.
Tommy Thompson
Founder ICAUSE
© 2002 by Tommy Thompson