Get moving,
do your next step. Nothing is going to change until
you DO something about it!
Lectures |
Below are some lectures
that I have made to further speed a persons study and understanding of
the ICAUSE Church. Early lectures are in windows media player format.
They are cut into 30 minute segments. The later ones are around 15 minutes,
to stay under the 5 meg limit of this server.
The first series,
the into lectures are intended for new people, it will communicate some
of the possibilities of the materials of the Immortality Course to them.
I have also made many lectures in Ukraine and Russia over the last 10 years or so. These are about the Happiness Rundown, false data stripping, as well as many specific auditing actions, like a C/S 53, int rundowns, rudiment handling and so forth. There are a great many lectues on Peter Gilliams fundamentals of success, and several on the PDC as well as LRH Congresses. These are cut into several 2 hour lectures, available in DVD format. Alternately, they can be purchased and paid for via drop box. Information of the titles and cost are here.
The files listed below are
low resolution windows streaming media files. High quality files are available
on CD or tape, these are for listening to on the Internet, available for
persons with slow connection speeds. You can either download them, or
open them from the present location. I apologize for the poor quality
of these first lectures, the later ones are much better.
If you are having trouble
downloading these files with the windows interface, you can use a download
manager to do it, and will not have to worry about failed downloads. You
can get one from http://www.getright.com/
which I recommend.
Intro Lectures
Pre Clear Hat - This lecture
gives some of the basic information that a client should know.
The Following sections entitled
"Rudiments" are 30 minutes each, in MP3 format, and are around
5 megs each. This seems to be the lowest size with decent quality. The
pc hat files above are in windows media format, and do not lend themselves
to downloading. These mp3 lectures can be downloaded overnight or something
if you have a slow modem, but the quality is much better.
The Bridge and Exteriorization
describes how the bridge is designed to exteriorize the spirit from the
various things unknowingly interiorized into, and the theory behind Exteriorization
and havingness.
The following lectures are
in MP3 format, better quality
Note: First two lectures
have been lost, only C available.
Path and Ext A
path and Ext B
The next lecture is entitled
"Life Repair". This is the procedure used to deliver a life
repair to a new person, which gives the technique and the end result of
the procedure.
If you are having
trouble with any of these lectures, you should right click them and save
the file to your hard drive.
The next lecture is regarding
the difference between the CO$, ICAUSE, and the technology. It gives some
of the data why ICAUSE was formed, what our goals and purpose are, and
why we have no illegal PC policies.
Here is a lecture concerning
the granting of beingness to a client, and two rules for a happy life.
The Tone Scale is a lecture
that describes the tone scales use in auditing a client, and how to determine
when a process is complete.
The following lecture is
based on the communication and is-ness data, which goes into detail how
the old church cut communication lines with the mass of the subject, and
thereby abberated those seeking spiritual enlightenment. The remedy for
all aberration is to simply reestablish the cut communication lines to
the abberated subject.
Since a lot of new peoples
first introduction to processing is the basic books, I have recorded a
lecture on the usage of Self Analysis.
The next major self processing
book is the Handbook For Preclears. The following 5 sections compose a
90 minute lecture covering the history, theory, application and a discussion
of the time track of the research. (Note: first
part of lecture has been lost, due to domain changes)
I have had many people query
me about the gains to be had on the Immortality course. The below is a
90 minute lecture about the upper sections of the course.
The Meter is an invaluable
tool that the counselor uses to assist the client in finding and eradicating
abberative mental conditions. The below lecture is a discussion of why
the meter works, what it works on, and the various models of meters.
Setting a meter to read
properly is one of the most important skills a counselor can have. The
following lecture is a discussion of the correct way to set a meter.
The below lecture is entitled
"Dissemination". It gives the data necessary to handle persons
antagonistic to the Church of Scio., how to explain the difference between
them and ICAUSE, and techniques of using Be, Do, and Have to find a persons
Ruin, bring them to the understanding that help is possible.
The next lecture is entitled
"The Bank and Clear". It gives an explanation of the difference
between the various types of clear, what natural clear is, what the Non
Interference Zone is, where it is, and why a being is in liability until
they are through it.
The history of the Freezone,
and the origins of the ICAUSE church may be of interest to some.